Flume tank characterization of marine current turbine blade behaviour under current and wave loading

The long term reliability of tidal turbines is critical if these structures are to be cost-effective. Optimized design requires a combination of material durability models and structural analyses which must be based on realistic loading conditions. This paper presents results from a series of flume tank measurements on strain gauged scaled turbine blades, aimed at studying these conditions. A detailed series of tests on a 3-blade horizontal axis turbine with 400 mm long blades is presented. The influence of both current and wave-current interactions on measured strains is studied. These tests show that wave-current interactions can cause large additional loading amplitudes compared to currents alone, which must be considered in the fatigue analysis of these systems.


Experimental trials, Wave and current effects, Marine current turbine, Blade deformations, Hydrodynamic

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How to cite
Gaurier Benoit, Davies Peter, Deuff Albert, Germain Gregory (2013). Flume tank characterization of marine current turbine blade behaviour under current and wave loading. Renewable Energy. 59. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2013.02.026, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00136/24693/

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