Genetic divergence and geographical variation in the deep-water Conus orbignyi complex (Mollusca: Conoidea)

Genetic divergence and geographical variation in the deep-water Conus orbignyi complex (Mollusca: Conoidea). - Zoologica Scripta, 40, 350-363. The cone snails (family Conidae) are a hyperdiverse lineage of venomous gastropods. Two standard markers, COI and ITS2, were used to define six genetically divergent groups within a subclade of Conidae that includes Conus orbignyi; each of these was then evaluated based on their shell morphology. We conclude that three forms, previously regarded as subspecies of C. orbignyi are distinct species, now recognized as C. orbignyi, C. elokismenos and C. coriolisi. In addition, three additional species (C. pseudorbignyi, C. joliveti and C. comatosa) belong to this clade. Some of the proposed species (e. g. C. elokismenos) are possibly in turn complexes comprising multiple species. Groups such as Conidae illustrate the challenges generally faced in species delimitation in biodiverse lineages. In the case of C. orbignyi complex, they are not only definable, genetically divergent lineages, but also considerable geographical variation within each group. Our study suggests that an intensive analysis of multiple specimens within a single locality helps to minimize the confounding effects of geographical variation and can be a useful starting point for circumscribing different species within such a confusing complex.

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How to cite
Puillandre Nicolas, Meyer Christopher P., Bouchet Philippe, Olivera Baldomero M. (2011). Genetic divergence and geographical variation in the deep-water Conus orbignyi complex (Mollusca: Conoidea). Zoologica Scripta. 40 (4). 350-363.,

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