Exploratory analysis of possible management strategies in Lake Victoria fisheries (Kenyan sector) using the recent Ecosim software

New developments in Ecosim, which is part of the well known Ecopath software have allowed the user to evaluate the effects of a range of possible fisheries management strategies for the Lake Victoria fisheries. The software is also used in this report to explore the fisheries and fish community of Lake Victoria. In particular, management strategies are explored aimed at achieving specified socio-economic objectives, including maximising the economic value of the ecosystem and maximising employment by altering the pattern of fishing effort by the fishing fleets comprising the Lake Victoria fishery. Further, the same approach was used to consider optimal management strategies from an ecological perspective.

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How to cite
Moreau Jacques, Villanueva Ching Maria (2002). Exploratory analysis of possible management strategies in Lake Victoria fisheries (Kenyan sector) using the recent Ecosim software. Fisheries Centre Research Reports. 10 (2). 150-154. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00143/25420/

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