Preliminary results on long-term changes of estuarine benthic communities 45 years after the implementation of a tidal power station in the Rance basin (northern Brittany, France).

Objectives : In order to follow the benthic community change in the upstream part of the Rance estuary (poly- and mesohaline areas), a spatio-temporal study is in progress, which aims to compare the structure of the benthic communities with: (1) The previous results of Desroy (1995); (2)Those present in a morphologically similar but unmanaged system, the Trieux estuary.

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How to cite
Trigui Rima-Jihane, Desroy Nicolas, Le Mao Patrick, Thiebaut Eric (2011). Preliminary results on long-term changes of estuarine benthic communities 45 years after the implementation of a tidal power station in the Rance basin (northern Brittany, France). Colloque scientifique du golfe normand-breton “Biodiversité, écosystèmes et usages du milieu marin : quelles connaissances pour une gestion intégrée du golfe normand-breton ?” 02 et 03/11/2011, Saint-Malo..

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