Odor Modification in Salmon Hydrolysates Using the Maillard Reaction

The aim of this work was to study the effect of adding sugar during proteolysis to promote the Maillard reaction and mask the initial fish odor and off-flavors generated. An experimental design, based on the Doehlert plan, was used to study the influence of hydrolysis conditions (time, temperature, sugar, and antioxidant addition) on the odor characteristics of hydrolysates, soluble protein levels, and amino acid content. Results showed that the lowest level of sugar (10g of D-xylose added to 1kg of by-products) was enough to develop a grilled odor in hydrolysates. In the hydrolysis conditions used, i.e. enzyme inactivation at 95°C for 30min, hydrolysis temperature had no effect on grilled odor production but significantly affected the soluble protein fraction, as did hydrolysis time. Soluble protein content and essential amino acid content increased with the enzymatic reaction but were not modified by adding sugar. Hydrolysis conditions that promote Maillard reactions while keeping a nutritional balance have been identified.


salmon by-product, hydrolysate, Maillard reaction, sensory characteristics, off-flavor, soluble protein

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How to cite
Kouakou Christelle, Berge Jean-Pascal, Baron Regis, Lethuaut Laurent, Prost Carole, Cardinal Mireille (2014). Odor Modification in Salmon Hydrolysates Using the Maillard Reaction. Journal Of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 23 (5). 453-467. https://doi.org/10.1080/10498850.2012.724153, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00156/26702/

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