Multiresolution seismic data fusion with a generalized wavelet-based method to derive subseabed acoustic properties
In the context of multiscale seismic analysis of complex reflectors, that takes benefit from broad-band frequency range considerations, we perform a wavelet-based method to merge multiresolution seismic sources based on generalized Lévy-alpha stable functions. The frequency bandwidth limitation of individual seismic sources induces distortions in wavelet responses (WRs), and we show that Gaussian fractional derivative functions are optimal wavelets to fully correct for these distortions in the merged frequency range. The efficiency of the method is also based on a new wavelet parametrization, that is the breadth of the wavelet, where the dominant dilation is adapted to the wavelet formalism. As a first demonstration to merge multiresolution seismic sources, we perform the source-correction with the high and very high resolution seismic sources of the SYSIF deep-towed device and we show that both can now be perfectly merged into an equivalent seismic source with a broad-band frequency bandwidth (220–2200 Hz). Taking advantage of this new multiresolution seismic data fusion, the potential of the generalized wavelet-based method allows reconstructing the acoustic impedance profile of the subseabed, based on the inverse wavelet transform properties extended to the source-corrected WR. We highlight that the fusion of seismic sources improves the resolution of the impedance profile and that the density structure of the subseabed can be assessed assuming spatially homogeneous large scale features of the subseabed physical properties.
Ker Stephan, Le Gonidec Y., Gibert D. (2013). Multiresolution seismic data fusion with a generalized wavelet-based method to derive subseabed acoustic properties. Geophysical Journal International. 195 (2). 1370-1383.,