Merchant ships discharging unwanted marine species in close proximity of a French aquaculture area: Risks involved

The most important oyster farming area in Europe is in a close proximity of two medium size merchant ports. Cargo ships deballast in this area before loading, releasing unwanted or noxious marine species. During a sampling campaign aboard these arriving ships, we found in some ballast water samples a huge number of potentially toxic dinoflagellates and some potentially pathogenic bacteria. A model was applied to find the potential geographical spread of the discharged ballast water. This model predicts the water to reach highly vulnerable shellfish farmed areas in six to eight days.


Ballast water, Risk assessment, Toxin producing dinoflagellates, Shellfish farming, La Rochelle, Pathogenic bacteria

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How to cite
Masson Daniel, Thomas Gerard, Genauzeau Sylvie, Le Moine Olivier, Derrien Annick (2013). Merchant ships discharging unwanted marine species in close proximity of a French aquaculture area: Risks involved. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 77 (1-2). 315-319.,

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