Report of the Planning Group on Commercial Catches, Discards and Biological Sampling (PGCCDBS 2012). 30 January–3 February 2012 Rome, Italy

The Planning Group on Commercial Catches, Discards and Biological Sampling [PGCCDBS] (Chairs: Mike Armstrong, UK, and Gráinne Ní Chonchúir, Ireland) met in Rome, Italy, 30th January 3rd February 2012, in parallel with the Mediterranean Planning Group for Methodological Development (PGMed). The PGCCDBS was established in 2002 in response to the EC-ICES Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) requesting ICES to provide support for the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF). It implements the ICES Quality Assurance Framework to ensure that datasets and parameters supporting assessments and advice for the ICES area are based on i) statistically-sound sampling schemes; ii) correct and consistent inter-pretation of biological material such as otoliths and gonads; iii) technology that improves accuracy and cost-effectiveness of data collection; iv) comprehensive and easily sourced documentation, and v) efficient collaboration between PGCCDBS, ex-pert groups and other bodies in relation to data collection. The 2012 meeting of PGCCDBS focused on work completed since last year, and planned work for 2012 and 2013, in the following topics which formed the basis of the Terms of Reference: - Stock-based biological parameters from sampling of fishery and survey catches (age, growth, maturity, fecundity, sex ratio); - Fleet/métier related variables (discards estimates and length/age composi-tions of landings and discards) and statistical design of sampling schemes; - Data collection technology (hardware, and software such as WebGR and the Regional Data bases); - Implementation of the ICES Quality Assurance Framework; - Addressing recommendations and requests for advice from ICES expert groups (including through PGCCDBS data contact persons), and RCMs. In addition, the PGCCDBS provided views on the revision of the Data Collection Framework, focusing on the need for statistically-sound, regional sampling pro-grammes and task-sharing to improve cost effectiveness. The PGCCDBS met in plenary with PGMed to review the outcomes of a wide range of workshops and age exchanges conducted since PGCCDBS 2011 and the workplan for 2012. On the basis of this review and the PGCCDBS long-term planning process, the following workshops and exchanges were proposed for 2013–2014: - Age workshops: WKARBLUE - Workshop on Age Reading of Blue whiting (June 2013); WKNARC2 - Workshop of National Age Readings Coordinators (May 2013); WKSABCAL - Workshop on the Statistical Analysis of Biological Calibration Studies [postponed until 2014]; WKAVSG - Workshop on Age Validation Studies for Gadoids (April 2013); WKMIAS - Workshop on Micro increment Daily Growth in European Anchovy and Sardine (October 2013). - Sampling design workshops: WKPICS3 - Workshop on the Practical Im-plementation of Statically Sound Catch Sampling programmes (Nov. 2013). - Age exchanges (Sprat - full exchange North sea only; Mackerel - small ex-change; Herring (Norwegian spring spawner) - small exchange; Saithe -full exchange using only images; Dab - 2012 exchange postponed until 2013; Sea Bass - full exchange). - Proposals for study contracts on i) anglerfish ageing (Lophius piscatorius); ii) stock- and component related issues for the herring in the West of Scotland, West of Ireland, Irish Sea and North Sea; iii) Supporting design based regional data collection programmes. - Proposal for a series of training courses covering the design of statistically sound catch sampling for fisheries monitoring programmes, and for a theme session at the 2013 ICES Annual Science Conference – “Improving statistical survey methods for monitoring commercial catches. The PGCCDBS report also contains a full and updated list of national age readers and co-ordinators, and recommendations on ways of streamlining and improving the ef-fectiveness of the system of recommendations passed between ICES expert groups, planning groups, RCMs and DCF Liaison Meeting. The ToRs for PGCCDBS 2013 were also discussed and agreed, see Annex 15, and it was also agreed that the PGCCDBS 2013 meeting will be held in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
How to cite
ICES (2012). Report of the Planning Group on Commercial Catches, Discards and Biological Sampling (PGCCDBS 2012). 30 January–3 February 2012 Rome, Italy. Ref. ICES CM 2012/ACOM:50.

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