Report of the Planning Group on Commercial Catches, Discards and Biological Sampling Catches, PGCCDBS 2013. 18-22 February 2013, Belfast, Northern Ireland

The Planning Group on Commercial Catches, Discards and Biological Sampling [PGCCDBS] (Co-Chairs: Mike Armstrong, UK, and Gráinne Ní Chonchúir, Ireland) met in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 18th February – 22nd February 2013, in parallel with the Mediterranean Planning Group for Methodological Development (PGMed). The PGCCDBS was established in 2002 in response to the EC-ICES Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) requesting ICES to provide support for the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF). It implements the ICES Quality Assurance Framework to ensure that data sets and parameters supporting assessments and advice for the ICES area are based on i) statistically-sound sampling schemes; ii) correct and consistent inter-pretation of biological material such as otoliths and gonads; iii) technology that im-proves accuracy and cost-effectiveness of data collection; iv) comprehensive and easily sourced documentation, and v) efficient collaboration between PGCCDBS, ex-pert groups and other bodies in relation to data collection. The 2013 meeting of PGCCDBS focused on work completed since last year, and planned work for 2013 and 2014, in the following topics which formed the basis of the Terms of Reference: Stock-based biological parameters from sampling of fishery and survey catches (age, growth, maturity, fecundity, sex ratio) - Fleet/métier related variables (discards estimates and length/age composi-tions of landings and discards) and statistical design of sampling schemes - Data collection technology (hardware, and software such as WebGR and the Regional Data bases). - Implementation of the ICES Quality Assurance Framework - Addressing recommendations and requests for advice from ICES expert groups (including through PGCCDBS data contact persons), and RCMs. During 2013, the PGCCDBS was requested to address an additional Term of Refer-ence as follows: a) Identify reasons for differences between raised discards estimates provided by ICES and STECF, and make recommendations on how to resolve this problem in the short and longer term. The PGCCDBS met in plenary with PGMed to review the outcomes of a wide range of workshops and age exchanges conducted since PGCCDBS 2012 and the workplan for 2013. On the basis of this and the PGCCDBS long term planning process, further workshops and exchanges were proposed for 2014 and beyond. These include: - Age and maturity workshops: WKSABCAL, the Workshop on the Statistical Analysis of Biological Calibration Studies (which had been postponed); WKARA, workshop on age reading of anglerfish Lophius spp will be con-sidered during the 2014 meeting, and a workshop will be proposed for 2015 if any advances in the knowledge of age reading of anglerfish have been made. - Sampling design workshops: in order to take forward the work of the series of WKPICS (Workshop on the Practical Implementation of Statistical Sound catch Sampling Programmes) and SGPIDS (Study Group on Practical Implementation of Discard Sampling Plans) which finish in 2013, PGCCDBS proposes the establishment of a Working Group on Commercial Catches to provide ongoing support for the design, implementation and analysis of sampling programmes for commercial fisheries. - Large-scale age exchanges: Whiting (Merlangius merlangus); Megrim (Lepidorhombus spp); Sole(Solea solea); Sprat (Sprattus sprattus, all areas); Horse mackerel and Mediterranean horse mackerel (T. picturatus and T. mediterraneus) - PGCCDBS 2013 also updated the list of national age readers and co-ordinators, and this updated list was uploaded onto the European Age Readers Forum (EARF). Other proposals developed by PGCCDBS are: - Proposals for study contracts on i) anglerfish ageing (Lophius piscatorius); ii) Study proposal on age determination and maturity staging of species not previously subjected to biological sampling for analytical assessments. - Proposal for a training course covering the design of statistically sound catch sampling for fisheries monitoring programmes - ICES cooperative research report (CRR) on the Protocols on the ageing of dif-ferent fish species in the ICES area. PGCCDBS further developed its proposal for the CRR and and developed a work plan for this. PGCCDBS developed work plans for intersessional work related to development of Quality Assurance reports for fishery sampling, including testing a prototype QA report with selected ICES stock assessment expert groups, and circulating a ques-tionnaire to collect information on national approaches to the construction and appli-cation of age-length keys. The ToR’s for PGCCDBS 2014 were also discussed and agreed, see Annex 11, and it was also agreed that the PGCCDBS 2014 meeting will be held in Constanta, Romania, Monday the 10th of February – Friday the 14st of February 2014.
How to cite
ICES (2013). Report of the Planning Group on Commercial Catches, Discards and Biological Sampling Catches, PGCCDBS 2013. 18-22 February 2013, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Ref. ICES CM 2013/ACOM:49.

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