High-Resolution Morphobathymetric Analysis and Evolution of Capbreton Submarine Canyon Head (Southeast Bay of Biscay—French Atlantic Coast) over the Last Decade Using Descriptive and Numerical Modeling

In this study, the Capbreton canyon head, just off the coast, is investigated using high-resolution multibeam bathymetry datasets, sediment samples and numerical modeling. The HR bathymetry analysis reveals a morphological connection between the longshore trough and the head of the canyon. The analysis of recent sediment samples shows a clear correlation between the sediment of the canyon head and that of the nearshore. Hydrodynamic modeling (a coupled wave-flow model) shows that for high-energy waves, the rotational nature of surf-zone circulation reverses and wave-induced currents have the potential to transport large quantities of nearshore sands toward the canyon head. All these arguments support the assumption that the canyon head captures a part of the sand transported by longshore drift. Over the 15 years of observation (1998–2013), time-lapse bathymetry shows that the floor of the canyon head and one lateral gully network experienced significant morphological reworking. In terms of hazards, despite this strong activity, the position of the canyon head and the profile of its longitudinal slope remained stable and appears as a comforting factor. However, the activity of unusual lateral erosions needs to be monitored.


longshore drift, submarine canyon, Capbreton, hydrodynamic modeling, sediment transport

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How to cite
Mazieres Alais, Gillet Herve, Castelle Bruno, Mulder Thierry, Guyot Corentin, Garlan Thierry, Mallet Cyril (2014). High-Resolution Morphobathymetric Analysis and Evolution of Capbreton Submarine Canyon Head (Southeast Bay of Biscay—French Atlantic Coast) over the Last Decade Using Descriptive and Numerical Modeling. Marine Geology. 351. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo2014.03.001, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00180/29118/

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