High-resolution dynamics of a deep-sea Hydrothermal mussel assemblage monitored by the EMSO-Açores MoMAR observatory

Although the spatial distribution of hydrothermal vent assemblages in relation to environmental conditions has been assessed in several studies, there is little documented data on the temporal variation of the fauna and corresponding abiotic factors in a vent community. Here, we present one of the longest integrated (faunal and environmental data) time series ever obtained in a hydrothermal ecosystem. The data were acquired using the TEMPO ecological module that was deployed between 2006 and 2008 on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, providing the first insights into the day-to-day variations in a Bathymodiolus azoricus mussel assemblage from the Lucky Strike vent field for the 48 days during which the video camera operated. The time-series yielded additional valuable information on longer-term variation in faunal distribution (comparing∼2 years), temperature (11.7 months) and iron concentrations (3.8 months). Results from daily observations showed that the vent mussel assemblage was quite stable over the 48 days of the study, reflecting the relative stability of environmental conditions during this period. Bathymodiolus azoricus mussels appeared to thrive in areas of very limited hydrothermal fluid input in habitats that are, as in other deep-sea ecosystems, significantly influenced by ocean tidal signals. Variation in species abundance was observed but, with the exception of Mirocaris fortunata shrimp, no links could be established with measured environmental variables. Although we did not observe any clear tidal influence on vent fauna, it is likely that physiological processes and species’ activities are influenced by these periodic variations. Longer time series are currently being acquired by different experiments deployed on the EMSO-Açores MoMAR observatory (2010–2013 and still recording). They should further improve our knowledge of the dynamics of hydrothermal systems and their associated faunal communities.


Hydrothermal vents, Faunal dynamics, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Deep-sea observatory, Bathymodiolus azoricus mussel assemblages, Sulphide edifices, Environmental conditions

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How to cite
Sarrazin Jozee, Cuvelier Daphne, Peton Loic, Legendre P., Sarradin Pierre-Marie (2014). High-resolution dynamics of a deep-sea Hydrothermal mussel assemblage monitored by the EMSO-Açores MoMAR observatory. Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers. 90. 62-75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2014.04.004, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00189/30023/

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