Impact of temperature inversions on SST evolution in the South-Eastern Arabian Sea during the pre-summer monsoon season

Temperature inversions are known to occur in the near-surface ocean regime where salinity stratification is large enough to influence the density field. However, they have not been known as features that alter near-surface processes significantly to influence the sea surface temperature (SST). From the analysis of new observed datasets as well as of state-of-the-art numerical model outputs, this paper shows that heat trapped within a temperature inversion makes significant contribution to warming of the SST in the South-Eastern Arabian Sea during the pre-southwest monsoon season.


mixed layer, toga decade, ocean, variability, salinity, physics, model, onset, OGCM, pool

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How to cite
Durand F, Shetye SR, Vialard Jerome, Shankar D, Shenoi SSC, Ethe C, Madec G (2004). Impact of temperature inversions on SST evolution in the South-Eastern Arabian Sea during the pre-summer monsoon season. Geophysical Research Letters. 31 (L01305). 1-4.,

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