Occurrence of Sporozoa-like microorganisms in the digestive gland of various species of Strombidae

The article discusses research on the presence of sporozoa-like microorganisms in the digestive gland of various species of Strombidae. One research by Gros, Frenkiel and Aldana Aranda described the digestive gland of Strombus gigas Linnaeus as having an assemblage of tubules and ducts. Another study found the occurrence of intracellular microorganisms believed to be the various life cycle stages of Apicomplexa.


apicomplexa, gastropoda, parasite

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How to cite
Volland Jean-Marie, Frenkiel Liliane, Aldana Aranda Dalila, Gros Olivier (2010). Occurrence of Sporozoa-like microorganisms in the digestive gland of various species of Strombidae. Journal Of Molluscan Studies. 76. 196-198. https://doi.org/10.1093/mollus/eyq005, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00207/31803/

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