Pteropods from the Caribbean Sea: variations in calcification as an indicator of past ocean carbonate saturation

The aragonite shell-bearing thecosome pteropods are an important component of the oceanic plankton. However, with increasing pCO(2) and the associated reduction in oceanic pH (ocean acidification), thecosome pteropods are thought to be particularly vulnerable to shell dissolution. The distribution and preservation of pteropods over the last 250 000 years have been investigated in marine sediment cores from the Caribbean Sea close to the island of Montserrat. Using the Limacina Dissolution Index (LDX), fluctuations in pteropod calcification through the most recent glacial/interglacial cycles are documented. By comparison to the oxygen isotope record (global ice volume), we show that pteropod calcification is closely linked to global changes in pCO(2) and pH and is, therefore, a global signal. These data are in agreement with the findings of experiments upon living pteropods, which show that variations in pH can greatly affect aragonitic shells. The results of this study provide information which may be useful in the prediction of future changes to the pteropod assemblage caused by ocean acidification.

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How to cite
Wall-Palmer D., Hart M. B., Smart C. W., Sparks R. S. J., Le Friant A., Boudon G., Deplus Christine, Komorowski J. C. (2012). Pteropods from the Caribbean Sea: variations in calcification as an indicator of past ocean carbonate saturation. Biogeosciences. 9 (1). 309-315.,

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