EGO gliders NetCDF format reference manual

This document specifies the NetCDF file format of EGO-gliders that is used to distribute glider data, metadata and technical data. It documents the standards used therein; this includes naming conventions as well as metadata content. It was initiated in October 2012, based on OceanSITES, Argo and ANFOG user's manuals. Everyone’s Gliding Observatories - EGO is dedicated to the promotion of the glider technology and its applications. The EGO group promotes glider applications through coordination, training, liaison between providers and users, advocacy, and provision of expert advice. We intend to favor oceanographic experiments and the operational monitoring of the oceans with gliders through scientific and international collaboration. We provide news, support, information about glider projects and glider data management, as well as resources related to gliders. All EGO data are publicly available. More information about the project is available at:

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Obsolete version 1.1
511 Mo
Obsolete version 1.2 from June 23rd 2016
501 Mo
Obsolete version 1.2
501 Mo
obsolete version 1.3
671 Mo
obsolete version 1.4 (November 3rd, 2020)
641 Mo
obsolete version1.4 (March 30th, 2021)
641 Mo
version 1.5 (obsolete version)
631 Mo
version 1.6 (obsolete version)
63895 Ko
obsolete version (version 1.7)
63897 Ko
obsolete version (version 1.8)
63898 Ko
Osolete version (version 1.9)
65905 Ko
Obsolete version 1.10
65908 Ko
Publisher's official version
841 Mo
How to cite
EGO gliders data management team (2023). EGO gliders NetCDF format reference manual. Ifremer.

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