A Computer-Assisted Method for Depositional Model Determination

A software has been developed to overcome the difficulties related to depositional model determination in Geosciences. The implemented methods, Walker, Harper and Turk methods, based on Markov process and Markov chain analysis, have been used in a case study. The results of the analysis are consistent with previous works. The analysis shows also that the results are accurate and do not rely on the used method. Therefore, the obtained depositional sequence is suitable to build a depositional model on which reliable sequence stratigraphic studies can be based.


Depositional Model, Sequence, Log, Markov Chain, Transition Matrix, Walker, Harper, Turk, El Garia Formation

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How to cite
Ndiaye Mapathe, Davaud Eric, Jorry Stephan (2014). A Computer-Assisted Method for Depositional Model Determination. International Journal of Geosciences. 05 (02). 178-183. https://doi.org/10.4236/ijg.2014.52019, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00248/35880/

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