EquiMar. Deliverable D2.2. Wave and tidal resource characterisation

This report gives guidance relevant to the resource assessment of sites considered for the deployment of wave and tidal energy converters. Areas considered include: instrumentation and measurement; techniques and requirements for wave and tidal parameterisation; wave-current interaction; spatial and temporal variation. A number of case studies are also included examining several European sites.
How to cite
Venugopal Vengatesan, Davey Thomas, Smith Helen, Smith George, Holmes Brian, Barrett Sean, Prevosto Marc, Maisondieu Christophe, Cavalieri Luigi, Bertotti Luciana, Lawrence John, Girard Francoise (2011). EquiMar. Deliverable D2.2. Wave and tidal resource characterisation. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00250/36152/

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