Campagne Seamewe 1: Reconnaissance de trace de cable sous-marin en Mer rouge

Seamewe 1 cruise has been devoted to the survey of the projected track of a telecommunication cable between Djibouti and Suez. The data include seabeam bathymetric maps at various scales, mud penetrator, magnetic and gravimetric records along the track lines. Temperature measurements, Kullenberg cores, grab samples and sea-floor photographs were performed at several places. Sidescan sonar pictures were recorded in Suez Gulf and over Djibouti shelf.

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Comment citer
Berne S, Auffret GA, Augris C, Bourillet JF, Carre D, Bertron M, Butin A, Crawford C S, Clark J F (1990). Campagne Seamewe 1: Reconnaissance de trace de cable sous-marin en Mer rouge. Oceanologica Acta, Special issue,

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