Campagne Precyad: Preparation du projet de plongees Cyaden dans le golfe d'Aden

In December 83, R.V. Jean Charcot left Djibouti harbor for Leg 2 of the Seamewe 1 cruise devoted to the survey of the projected track of a telecommunication cable between Djibouti and Suez. During this cruise, two days have been devoted to the preparation of the Cyaden diving Cruise, Precyad Cruise. Three maps have been realized.

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2217 Ko
Comment citer
Sichler B, Carre D, Elmi A, Jacout P, Mohamed A (1990). Campagne Precyad: Preparation du projet de plongees Cyaden dans le golfe d'Aden. Oceanologica Acta, Special issue,

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