Campagne Seapso 5: Etude tectonique de l'interaction entre la ride de Louisville et l'arc insulaire des Tonga

Seapso V cruise was conducted in January 1986. It started on the 13th from Nuku'Alfa (Kingdom of Tonga) and ended in Papeete (French-Polynesia) on the 28th. The main objectives of this cruise were to gather new data on two well defined problems in order to: 1-understand the tectonic processes of the subduction of an aseismic ridge (the Louisville ridge) and 2-Test of a unique method of detecting, locating and evaluating uncharted seamounts by analysis of Seasat satellite altimetric data.

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81 Mo
Comment citer
Pontoise B, Pelletier B (1990). Campagne Seapso 5: Etude tectonique de l'interaction entre la ride de Louisville et l'arc insulaire des Tonga. Oceanologica Acta, Special issue,

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