Conditions hydrologiques, chimiques et production primaire dans les upwellings du Perou et des iles Galapagos, en regime d'hivers austral (Campagne Paciprod)

The Paciprod Cruise of the R/V Jean-Charcot was devoted to study upwellings and their biological consequences in the coastal area of Peru and in the equatorial divergence zone around the Galapagos Archipelago. Main objectives, methodology and shipboard experimentations have been reported.

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81 Mo
Comment citer
Minas HJ, Coste B, Minas M, Raimbault P (1990). Conditions hydrologiques, chimiques et production primaire dans les upwellings du Perou et des iles Galapagos, en regime d'hivers austral (Campagne Paciprod). Oceanologica Acta, Special issue,

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