PIV measurements combined with the motion tracking technique to analyze flow around a moving porous structure

To gain a better understanding of the fluid–structure interaction and especially when dealing with a flow around an arbitrarily moving body, it is essential to develop measurement tools enabling the instantaneous detection of moving deformable interface during the flow measurements. A particularly useful application is the determination of unsteady turbulent flow velocity field around a moving porous fishing net structure which is of great interest for selectivity and also for the numerical code validation which needs a realistic database. To do this, a representative piece of fishing net structure is used to investigate both the Turbulent Boundary Layer (TBL) developing over the horizontal porous moving fishing net structure and the turbulent flow passing through the moving porous structure. For such an investigation, Time Resolved PIV measurements are carried out and combined with a motion tracking technique allowing the measurement of the instantaneous motion of the deformable fishing net during PIV measurements. Once the two-dimensional motion of the porous structure is accessed, PIV velocity measurements are analyzed in connection with the detected motion. Finally, the TBL is characterized and the effect of the structure motion on the volumetric flow rate passing though the moving porous structure is clearly demonstrated.


Unsteady turbulent flow, Particle Image Velocimetry, Oscillating structure, Fishing structure

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How to cite
Druault Philippe, Germain Gregory, Facq Jean-Valery (2015). PIV measurements combined with the motion tracking technique to analyze flow around a moving porous structure. Journal Of Fluids And Structures. 56. 190-204. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2015.04.004, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00271/38216/

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