French PIRATA cruises S-ADCP data processing

In the framework of the PIRATA program, several types of observations are carried out in the Tropical Atlantic during yearly cruises, including Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (SADCP) data. The present note is a brief review of the SADCP data processing methodology applied for 8 PIRATA cruises by using CASCADE software. To illustrate the processing steps and demonstrate the CASCADE software capabilities, an example of SADCP data processing obtained from PIRATA-FR24 cruise has been shown. This data set is made available on the PIRATA website and will also be used in the framework of the EU PREFACE program (see

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How to cite
Herbert Gaelle, Kermabon Catherine, Grelet Jacques, Bourles Bernard (2015). French PIRATA cruises S-ADCP data processing. Mercator Ocean - Quaterly Newsletter. (52). 22-26.

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