Position paper on passive sampling techniques for the monitoring of contaminants in the aquatic environment - Achievements to date and perspectives

This paper, based on the outcome of discussions at a NORMAN Network-supported workshop in Lyon (France) in November 2014 aims to provide a common position of passive sampling community experts regarding concrete actions required to foster the use of passive sampling techniques in support of contaminant risk assessment and management and for routine monitoring of contaminants in aquatic systems. The brief roadmap presented here focusses on the identification of robust passive sampling methodology, technology that requires further development or that has yet to be developed, our current knowledge of the evaluation of uncertainties when calculating a freely dissolved concentration, the relationship between data from PS and that obtained through biomonitoring. A tiered approach to identifying areas of potential environmental quality standard (EQS) exceedances is also shown. Finally, we propose a list of recommended actions to improve the acceptance of passive sampling by policy-makers. These include the drafting of guidelines, quality assurance and control procedures, developing demonstration projects where biomonitoring and passive sampling are undertaken alongside, organising proficiency testing schemes and interlaboratory comparison and, finally, establishing passive sampler-based assessment criteria in relation to existing EQS.


Passive sampling, Water framework directive, Monitoring programmes, Priority substances, Emerging substances, Environmental quality standards

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Miege Cecile, Mazzella Nicolas, Allan Ian, Dulio Valeria, Smedes Foppe, Tixier Celine, Vermeirssen Etienne, Brant Jan, O'toole Simon, Budzinski Helene, Ghestem Jean-Philippe, Staub Pierre-Francois, Lardy-Fontan Sophie, Gonzalez Jean-Louis, Coquery Marina, Vrana Branislav (2015). Position paper on passive sampling techniques for the monitoring of contaminants in the aquatic environment - Achievements to date and perspectives. Trends In Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 8. 20-26. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.teac.2015.07.001, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00275/38606/

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