Report of the Workshop on Age Reading of Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) (WKARDL). 15–19 June 2015 Lowestoft, UK

The Workshop on Age reading of Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) (WKARDL) was held in Lowestoft, England, UK, from the 15th to 19th June 2015. The meeting was chaired by Kélig Mahé (France) and Mary Brown (England UK), and included seven age readers from three countries. The objectives of this first workshop were to review, document and make recommendations on current methods of ageing sea bass. This workshop was preceded by otolith exchanges in 2011 and 2013, which were under-taken using WebGR. Participants, who had not taken part in the exchange were asked to annotate the images in the months prior to the workshop. However, due to prob-lems with accessing WebGR only a limited number of the readers managed to do this in time. Seven readers participated in a scale calibration exercise during this workshop which showed an overall agreement of 78.2% (ranging between 29 and 100%) with a preci-sion of 5.2% CV (ranging from 0 to 13%). Of the 55 scales, 24 (43%) were read with 100% agreement. The image analysis exercise clarified that the lack of agreement can be due to the difficulty identifying the position of the first annulus, the presence of checks and the dates of sample collection. The workshop achieved quite a lot in terms of ironing out, through discussion and calibration, some of the major difficulties in ageing otoliths of sea bass. This group recommend use of scales for sea bass ageing. For future exchanges, it would be bene-ficial to compare unstained otolith sections with transmitted and reflected lights and stained otolith sections, with the scales. For scale exchanges, the group recommend the use of multiple scale images (or videos) for each fish. The group reached agree-ment on a definition of an ageing guideline and a reference collection presented in this report and the aim is to employ these tools for all laboratories.
How to cite
ICES (2015). Report of the Workshop on Age Reading of Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) (WKARDL). 15–19 June 2015 Lowestoft, UK. ICES. Ref. ICES CM 2015/SSGEIOM:13. 40p.

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