Report of the Workshop on guidance for the review of MSFD decision descriptor 6 – seafloor integrity II (WKGMSFDD6-II). 16-19 February 2015 ICES Headquarters, Denmark

In September 2014, ICES was tasked with assessing the MSFD GES descriptor 6 (sea-floor integrity) issues, focusing on methods and bounds for setting Good environmental status (GES). The results of this D6 workshop provided a guidance report with dedicated recommendations. However, when the D6 report was reviewed during the Marine Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy meeting (MSFD CIS) of the Working Group on Good Environmental Status (WG GES) in October 2014, it was highlighted that more details will be required to guide Member States (MS) on: i) how to link higher level criteria to specific indicators and ii) how these indicators could be implemented in national monitoring and assessment programmes. The need for further clarification provided the opportunity to organize a follow-up workshop on Descriptor 6 seafloor integrity with the aim to review the 2010 Commission Decision on criteria and methodological standards on GES of marine waters (Copenhagen, 16–19 February 2015). The workshop was planned for by 5 vice-chairs and attended by 24 participants. The workshop adopted a modus operandi of dedicated discussions over two parallel subgroups and reporting the outcomes in plenary. The discussions covered the following themes: 1) using spatially explicit impact indicators, 2) linking structure to function, 3) scouting and prioritizing indicators for function, 4) linking indicator options to criteria options, and 5) options for setting GES. Scientific comments by the Member States were consolidated by the ICES Secretariat and addressed in plenary.
How to cite
ICES (2015). Report of the Workshop on guidance for the review of MSFD decision descriptor 6 – seafloor integrity II (WKGMSFDD6-II). 16-19 February 2015 ICES Headquarters, Denmark. ICES. Ref. ICES CM 2015\ACOM:50. 133p.

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