Kinetic study of solid phase demineralization by weak acids in one-step enzymatic bio-refinery of shrimp cuticles

We describe a one-step bio-refinery process for shrimp composites by-products. Its originality lies in a simple rapid (6 h) biotechnological cuticle fragmentation process that recovers all major compounds (chitins, peptides and minerals in particular calcium). The process consists of a controlled exogenous enzymatic proteolysis in a food-grade acidic medium allowing chitin purification (solid phase), and recovery of peptides and minerals (liquid phase). At a pH of between 3.5 and 4, protease activity is effective, and peptides are preserved. Solid phase demineralization kinetics were followed for phosphoric, hydrochloric, acetic, formic and citric acids with pKa ranging from 2.1 to 4.76. Formic acid met the initial aim of (i) 99 % of demineralization yield and (ii) 95 % deproteinization yield at a pH close to 3.5 and a molar ratio of 1.5. The proposed one-step process is proven to be efficient. To formalize the necessary elements for the future optimization of the process, two models to predict shell demineralization kinetics were studied, one based on simplified physical considerations and a second empirical one. The first model did not accurately describe the kinetics for times exceeding 30 minutes, the empirical one performed adequately.


Bio-refinery, Acidic enzymatic proteolysis, Shrimp cuticles, Demineralization kinetics and modeling

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How to cite
Baron Regis, Socol Marius, Arhaliass A., Bruzac Sandrine, Le Roux Karine, Del Pino J. Rodriguez, Berge Jean-Pascal, Kaas Raymond (2015). Kinetic study of solid phase demineralization by weak acids in one-step enzymatic bio-refinery of shrimp cuticles. Process Biochemistry. 50 (12). 2215-2223.,

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