Calcium response of KCl-excited populations of ventricular myocytes from the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): a promising approach to integrate cell-to-cell heterogeneity in studying the cellular basis of fish cardiac performance

Climate change challenges the capacity of fishes to thrive in their habitat. However, through phenotypic diversity, they demonstrate remarkable resilience to deteriorating conditions. In fish populations, inter-individual variation in a number of fitness-determining physiological traits, including cardiac performance, is classically observed. Information about the cellular bases of inter-individual variability in cardiac performance is scarce including the possible contribution of excitation-contraction (EC) coupling. This study aimed at providing insight into EC coupling-related Ca2+ response and thermal plasticity in the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). A cell population approach was used to lay the methodological basis for identifying the cellular determinants of cardiac performance. Fish were acclimated at 12 and 22 A degrees C and changes in intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+](i)) following KCl stimulation were measured using Fura-2, at 12 or 22 A degrees C-test. The increase in [Ca2+](i) resulted primarily from extracellular Ca2+ entry but sarcoplasmic reticulum stores were also shown to be involved. As previously reported in sea bass, a modest effect of adrenaline was observed. Moreover, although the response appeared relatively insensitive to an acute temperature change, a difference in Ca2+ response was observed between 12- and 22 A degrees C-acclimated fish. In particular, a greater increase in [Ca2+](i) at a high level of adrenaline was observed in 22 A degrees C-acclimated fish that may be related to an improved efficiency of adrenaline under these conditions. In conclusion, this method allows a rapid screening of cellular characteristics. It represents a promising tool to identify the cellular determinants of inter-individual variability in fishes' capacity for environmental adaptation.


Sea bass, Myocyte populations, Calcium signaling, Cardiac plasticity, Inter-individual variability

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How to cite
Ollivier Helene, Marchant James, Le Bayon Nicolas, Servili Arianna, Claireaux Guy (2015). Calcium response of KCl-excited populations of ventricular myocytes from the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): a promising approach to integrate cell-to-cell heterogeneity in studying the cellular basis of fish cardiac performance. Journal Of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic And Environmental Physiology. 185 (7). 755-765.,

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