Socio-economic impact of microplastics in the 2 Seas, Channel and France Manche Region. An initial risk assessment

This report has been produced under the Interreg IVa project MICRO. We would like to thank the Joint Technical Secretariat of Interreg, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment for co-financing the work conducted in this project. Also, the Institute for Environmental Studies of the VU University in Amsterdam and Stichting de Zeeschelp in Kamperland, many thanks for your analyses and experimental support and advice. Many thanks to all of the researchers who worked on this project, especially Christophe Lambert, David Mazurais, Rosanna Sussarellu, Ika Paul-Pont, Laura Frere, Anne-Laure Cassone, Dana Stuparu, Frank Kleissen, Ghada El Serafy, Sara Maes, Mattias Bossaer, Bavo De Witte, Johanna Gauquie, Caroline De Tender, Kevin Vanhalst.
How to cite
van der Meulen MD, de Vriese L, Lee J, Maes T, Van Dalfsen JA, Huvet Arnaud, Soudant Philippe, Robbens J, Vethaak AD (2014). Socio-economic impact of microplastics in the 2 Seas, Channel and France Manche Region. An initial risk assessment. Ref. MICRO Interreg project IVa.

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