Biogeographical distribution of Rimicaris exoculata resident gut epibiont communities along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent sites

Rimicaris exoculata is a deep-sea hydrothermal vent shrimp which enlarged gill chamber houses a complex trophic epibiotic community. Its gut harbours an autochthonous and distinct microbial community. This species dominates hydrothermal ecosystems megafauna along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, regardless of contrasted geochemical conditions prevailing in them. Here, the resident gut epibiont community at four contrasted hydrothermal vent sites (Rainbow/TAG/Logatchev/Ashadze) was analysed and compiled with previous data to evaluate the possible influence of site location, using 16S rRNA surveys and microscopic observations (TEM, SEM and FISH analyses). Filamentous epibionts inserted between the epithelial cells microvilli were observed on all examined samples. Results confirmed resident gut community affiliation to Deferribacteres, Mollicutes, Epsilonproteobacteria and to a lesser extent Gammaproteobacteria lineages. Still a single Deferribacteres phylotype was retrieved at all sites. Four Mollicutes-related OTUs were distinguished, one being only identified on Rainbow specimens. The topology of ribotypes median-joining networks illustrated a community diversification possibly following demographic expansions, suggesting a more ancient evolutionary history and/or a larger effective population size at Rainbow. Finally, the gill chamber community distribution was also analysed through ribotypes networks based on sequences from R. exoculata collected at Rainbow/Snake Pit/TAG/Logatchev/Ashadze sites. Results allow refining hypotheses on the epibiont role and transmission pathways.


epibiont, extreme environments, network analyses, phylogeography

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Durand Lucile, Roumagnac Marie, Cueff-Gauchard Valerie, Jan Cyrielle, Guri Mathieu, Tessier Claire, Haond Marine, Crassous Philippe, Zbinden Magali, Arnaud-Haond Sophie, Cambon-Bonavita Marie-Anne (2015). Biogeographical distribution of Rimicaris exoculata resident gut epibiont communities along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vent sites. Fems Microbiology Ecology. 91 (10). 1-15.,

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