Map helps unravel complexities of the southwestern Pacific Ocean

The southwestern Pacific Ocean region hosts submerged continental margins, ridges, sedimentary basins, and volcanic arcs located around Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji. The geological history of this vast region has remained controversial, and to improve understanding of the processes that controlled its geodynamical evolution, it is essential to place each piece of available data in a regional spatiotemporal framework. To this end, a new map, entitled “Structural Provinces of the Southwest Pacific,” was released by the Geological Survey of New Caledonia in May 2011. The publication consists of two parts: (1) a 40-page booklet of geological notes, which documents the nature and age of each structure and contains an associated list of references; and (2) a 3- x 4-foot poster of a structural map revealing the nature of the basement, location, and type of the main structural features (see simplified version in Figure 1) and the age of formation using the international standards for geological color codes established by the Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW) (see

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How to cite
Collot Julien, Vendé-Leclerc Myriam, Rouillard Pierrick, Lafoy Yves, Géli Louis (2012). Map helps unravel complexities of the southwestern Pacific Ocean. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 93 (1). 1-2.,

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