Report of the Workshop to consider FMSY ranges for stocks in ICES categories 1 and 2 in Western Waters (WKMSYREF4). 13–16 October 2015 Brest, France

The report is based on work conducted in a workshop that was held in Brest, France on 13–16 October 2015, and describes the preparatory work in response to the EC longterm management plans for western EU waters (ICES Subareas V to X). Specifically Art. 10 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013 on the Common Fisheries Policy, which requires a multiannual plan including quantifiable target. In this context ICES was requested to provide plausible values around FMSY for some stocks inhabiting western EU waters. Estimates of reference points Blim, Bpa, Flim and Fpa are provided for the stocks considered, and the FMSY ranges [Flower, Fupper] are estimated by ICES to be precautionary, and deliver no more than 5% reduction in long-term yield compared with MSY. The report provides information on the following stocks: • Black-bellied anglerfish (Lophius budegassa) in Divisions VIIIc and IXa • White-bellied anglerfish (Lophius piscatorius) in Divisions VIIIc and IXa • Blue ling (Molva dypterygia) in Subdivision Vb, and Subareas VI and VII • Cod (Gadus morhua) in Divisions VIIe-k (Celtic Sea cod), Division VIIa (Irish Seand Division VIa (West of Scotland) • Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in Divisions IVbc, VIIa, and VIId–h (Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, English Channel, and southern North Sea) • Greenland halibut in Subareas V, VI, XII and XIV • Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in Divisions VIIb,c,e-k and Division VIb (Rockall) • Hake (Merluccius merluccius) in Division IIIa, Subareas IV, VI and VII and Divisions VIIIa,b,d (Northern stock) and in Division VIIIc and IXa (Southern stock) • Megrim (Lepidorhombus spp) in Divisions IVa and VIa • Four-spot megrim (Lepidorhombus boscii) in Divisions VIIIc and IXa • Megrim (Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis) in Divisions VIIIc and IXa • Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in Division VIIe (Western Channel) • Sole (Solea solea) in Divisions VIIIa,b (Bay of Biscay), Divisions VIIf,g (Celtic Sea, Division VIIe (Western Channel)and Division VIIa (Irish Sea) • Whiting (Merlangius merlangus) in Division VIIe-k, Division VIIa (Irish Sea) and Division VIa (West of Scotland) • Nephrops in Division VIa (North Minch, FU 11), Division VIa (South Minch, FU 12),Division VIa (Firth of Clyde + Sound of Jura, FU 13, Division VIIa (Irish Sea East, FU 14), Division VIIa (Irish Sea West, FU 15), Division VIIb,c,j,k (Porcupine Bank, FU 16), Division VIIb (Aran Grounds, FU 17), Division VIIa,g,j (Southeast and West of IRL, FU 19) and the Smalls (FU 22) For stocks where ICES advice is given based on the MSY approach, ICES has developed an advice rule (AR) based on the FMSY fishing mortality reference point, that provides the exploitation rate to give catch advice, and a biomass reference point MSY Btrigge r which is used to linearly reduce F if the biomass in the TAC year is predicted to be lower than this reference value (ICES, 2015). The ICES MSY AR is evaluated to check that the FMSY and MSY Btrigge r combination results in maximum long-term yield subject to precautionary considerations. The report provides ranges for both with and without the AR.
How to cite
ICES (2015). Report of the Workshop to consider FMSY ranges for stocks in ICES categories 1 and 2 in Western Waters (WKMSYREF4). 13–16 October 2015 Brest, France. CIEM. Ref. ICES CM 2015/ACOM:58. 183p.

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