E-AIMS. Euro - Argo Improvements for the GMES Marine Service. R&D on float technology. Synthesis. D2.6 . 1.
This document is the synthesis of the results of WP2 work, obtained from the five experiments that were conducted with the floats deployed at sea. Task 2.1 concerns the comparison of two oxygen sensors, Task 2.2 has to test new deep floats, Task 2.3 evaluates bio-geochemical floats, Task 2.4 is dedicated to satellite transmission performance assessment andtask 2.5 concerns Arctic floats. It is the deliverable D2.61 identified in the description of work DA-1, in the table WT 2, which was initially due by the end of June 2015 (T0+30), but which was postponed to October 2015 (T0+34) (see minutes of 5thsteering committee meeting), T0 being the 1st of January 2013.
Le Reste Serge (2015). E-AIMS. Euro - Argo Improvements for the GMES Marine Service. R&D on float technology. Synthesis. D2.6 . 1. Ref. D2.6 . 1. Ifremer. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00317/42811/