The EMODnet Seabed Habitats initiative and examples of application of the EUSeaMap broad-­scale seabed habitat maps

European Directives, such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, benefit from full-coverage seabed habitat maps of all European seas. A time- and cost- efficient way to produce such maps is to use low-­resolution datasets and models to predict broad-­scale seabed habitat types. The EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network) Seabed Habitats project aims to produce broad-­scale seabed habitat maps covering all European seas in a consistent way. In its first phase (2009-­2012) over two million km2 of European seabed were mapped. In the second phase the coverage of these maps will be extended to all European seas by 2016 and the existing maps improved. Predicted seabed-­habitat types are mapped by combining a series of proxy measurements, such as water depth and light levels amongst others, using statistical analysis to identify relationships with biology and GIS modelling. The habitats are classified following the EUNIS hierarchical system. The outputs of the first phase of the project are being used across Europe for planning and reporting purposes including supporting the development of coherent Marine Protected Area networks, establishing monitoring programmes for seabed habitats and informing marine planning. A potential application of EUSeaMap products is indicator development for MSFD predominant habitats.
How to cite
Manca Eleonora, Vasquez Mickael (2015). The EMODnet Seabed Habitats initiative and examples of application of the EUSeaMap broad-­scale seabed habitat maps. ICES CM 2015/N:08.

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