In the frame of the SeaDataNet project, several regional climatologies for the temperature and salinity
are being developed by different groups. The data used for these climatologies are distributed by the
40 SeaDataNet data centers.
Such climatologies have several uses:
1. the detection of outliers by comparison of the in situ data with the climatological fields,
2. the the optimization of locations of new observations,
3. the initialization of numerical hydrodynamic models.
4. definition of a reference state to identify anomalies and to detect long-term climatic trends
Diva (Data Interpolating Variational Analysis) software is adapted to each region by taking into account
the geometrical characteristics (coastlines, bathymetry) and the distribution of data (correlation length,
signal-to-noise ratio, reference field). The regional climatologies treated in this work are:
- JRA5: North Atlantic
- JRA6: Mediterranean Sea
- JRA7: Baltic Sea
- JRA8: North Sea, Arctic Sea
Several examples of gridded fields are presented in this work. The validation of the different products
is carried out through a comparison with the last release of the widespread World Ocean Atlas 2005.
Troupin Charles, Ouberdous Mohamed, Barth Alexander, Bassompierre Marc, Coatanoan Christine, Grandi Alessandro, Lind Johansen Sigrid, Ostensen Oivind, Scory Serge, Tonani Marina, Toussaint Marie-Eve, Tronconi Cristina, Beckers Jean-Marie (2010). SeaDataNet regional climatologies: an overview. IMDIS 2010 - International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems. March 29-31, 2010, Paris (France).