Experimental study of bubble sweep-down in wave and current circulating tank: Part II—Bubble clouds characterization

In this second part, images acquired from the specific trials developed in order to study the phenomenon of bubble sweep-down are analysed. A post-processing method has been developed to analyse the two air entrainment mechanisms described in the first part, for several test configurations. Bubble clouds are described in terms of depth, area and velocity for both vortex shedding and breaking wave bubble clouds. A parametric study is also performed to calculate the influence of each test parameter on the frequency of bubble generation. It is demonstrated that the occurrence of bubble clouds is proportional to the wave height, with a considerable influence of the phase shift between waves and motions. The overall results provide new elements for the understanding and the study of the phenomenon, with the final objective of obtaining a reliable tool that facilitates the design of research vessels.


Bubble sweep-down, Experimental trials, Ship motions, Bow waves

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How to cite
Delacroix Sylvain, Germain Gregory, Gaurier Benoit, Billard Jean-Yves (2016). Experimental study of bubble sweep-down in wave and current circulating tank: Part II—Bubble clouds characterization. Ocean Engineering. 120. 88-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2016.05.008, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00335/44577/

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