Community Structure of Tintinnid Ciliates of the Microzooplankton in the South West Pacific Ocean: Comparison of a High Primary Productivity with a Typical Oligotrophic Site

Transient ‘hot spots’ of phytoplankton productivity occur in the generally oligotrophic Southern Pacific Ocean and we hypothesized that the population structure of tintinnid ciliates, planktonic grazers, would differ from that of a typical oligotrophic sites. Samples were collected over a 1-wk period at each of two sites between Fiji and Tahiti: one of elevated chlorophyll a concentrations and primary productivity with an abundance of N-fixing cyanobacteria Trichodesmium, and a distant oligotrophic site. Tintinnid abundance differed between the sites by a factor of 2. A single species (Favella sp.), absent from the oligotrophic site, highly dominated the ‘hot spot’ site. However, total species richness was identical (71 spp.) as well as short-term temporal variability (2–4 d). At both sites, species abundance distributions most closely fit a log-series or log-normal distribution and the abundance distributions of ecological types, forms of distinct lorica oral diameter, were the typical geometric. Morphological diversity was only slightly lower at the high productivity site. We found that communities of these plankton grazers in ‘hot spots’ of phytoplankton productivity in oligotrophic systems, although harboring different species, differ little from surrounding oligotrophic areas in community structure.


Biodiversity, biogeography, choreotrichia, plankton, species abundance distribution, Trichodesmium

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Publisher's official version
101 Mo
Data S1. Species abundances for each CTD cast.
-7 Ko
Video S1. Video animation of time courses changes in surface concentrations of chlorophyll a in the study area based on satellite image data during the period March 7th 2015 to April 4th 2015.
-14 Mo
Supporting information
178 Ko
Author's final draft
251 Mo
How to cite
Dolan John R., Gimenez Audrey, Cornet-Barthaux Veronique, de Verneil Alain (2016). Community Structure of Tintinnid Ciliates of the Microzooplankton in the South West Pacific Ocean: Comparison of a High Primary Productivity with a Typical Oligotrophic Site. Journal Of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 63 (6). 813-822.,

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