Enhanced surveillance of shellfish mortality to improve early detection and investigation of outbreaks of exotic or emerging infectious diseases: An example of a mass mortality outbreak of mussels, France 2014

This paper explores the relevance and feasibility of enhanced surveillance of mussel-related mortality based on regular telephone interviews of a key informant in a farming community. Based on qualitative analyses of data collected through semi-structured interviews, this method of participatory disease surveillance enabled the retrieval of high quality data during an outbreak of mussel mortality which occurred in Pertuis Charentais, France, in 2014. The findings illustrated that such an enhanced surveillance approach compared with the institutional shellfish health surveillance system could improve the early detection of outbreaks of mussel mortality by one week. This approach enabled a detailed description of the outbreak, showing higher incidence proportion in the Northern water bodies. It also captured relevant data for hypothesis generation for further outbreak investigations, integrating a global view of the health and disturbance of the coastal marine ecosystem. However, to be effective and sustainable, this flexible approach requires a pre-existing knowledge of the structure of the information network of the farmers’ community. Such a community-based enhanced surveillance could increase the reactivity of the entire system to enable the earliest possible and most appropriate interventions to protect shellfish populations against exotic or emerging infectious diseases. This would also help to improve the vigilance of mussel farmers and foster their commitment, which is an essential element for sustainable shellfish health surveillance.


Early warning, Perception, Enhanced clinical surveillance, Shellfish diseases, Participative disease surveillance, Qualitative methods

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Publisher's official version
101 Mo
Appendix A. Glossary of the sematic fields and related words used to describe abnormal mussel mortality by mussel farmers, Pertuis Charentais, France, 2014
187 Ko
Appendix B. Example of graphical representation of the development of hypothesis associated with the explanation process of mussel mortality outbreak
1194 Ko
Author's final draft
431 Mo
How to cite
Lupo Coralie, Prou Jean (2016). Enhanced surveillance of shellfish mortality to improve early detection and investigation of outbreaks of exotic or emerging infectious diseases: An example of a mass mortality outbreak of mussels, France 2014. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 132. 57-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.08.007, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00348/45914/

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