Rocky shore benthic communities as indicators of global change in the context of European directives

The implementation of European Directives in the last decade (WFD, MSFD, DHFF) shows a growing interest in assessing the environmental status of coastal areas in maintaining the ecosystems functionality and biodiversity conservation. In this context, investigations on benthic communities were launched to increase knowledge on taxonomic composition and their spatial distribution. On the Basque coast, rocky shores present remarkable habitats and biogeographic specificities, both in intertidal and subtidal areas. These productive environments, covered with shallow seaweed beds, have a high functionality such as nursery and a protective function for many species during their life cycle. At the scale of marine sub-area of the Bay of Biscay, data available reflects a biogeographic interest of benthic communities for rocky substrates from different biological groups, like algae, invertebrates and fish. Monitoring southern and sensitive species is particularly interesting to qualify this biological meridionalization, in front of global change in this sub-area. From the synthesis of existing data and previous works, three taxonomic groups appear to be relevant to bring information: ecologically remarkable (linked to habitat as determinant or opportunistic taxa), introduced / invasive, distribution limit. For the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the establishment of taxonomic lists considering these criteria is a first step to contribute to relevant indicators for "seafloor integrity "Biodiversity, Non indigenous species, eutrophication, contaminants....) and how they may affect "stock of exploited species in good health" for sustainability of local economic activity. To further enhance the information needed, the lists of species are presented with their particular ecological sensitivity and interest for knowledge. Moreover, this analysis allows to identify, for future works, relevant biological models to be considered for evaluation of the specific impact of climate change in front of their distribution area : northern and southern limit.
How to cite
de Casamajor Marie-Noelle, Lalanne Yann, Huguenin Laura, Oger-Jeanneret Helene (2016). Rocky shore benthic communities as indicators of global change in the context of European directives. Littoral 2016 "The changing littoral. Anticipation and adaptation to climate change" - 13th conference of the traditional biennial international event of the Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC). 25 au 29 octobre 2016, Biarritz).

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