2D ocean waves spectra from space: a challenge for validation and synergetic use

Sentinel-1 A now routinely acquires data over the ocean since 2014. Data are processed by ESA through the Payload Data Ground Segment up to Level-2 for Copernicus users. Level-2 products consist of geo-located geophysical parameters related to wind, waves and ocean current. In particular, Sentinel-1A wave measurements provide 2D ocean swell spectra (2D wave energy distribution as a function of wavelength and direction) as well as integrated parameters such as significant wave height, dominant wavelength and direction for each partition. In 2016, Sentinel-1 B will be launched by ESA and GF-3 by CNSA. Then in 2018, CFOSAT (China France Oceanography Satellite project), a joint mission from the Chinese and French Space Agencies, will be launched. They will also provide 2D Ocean waves spectra. This paper focuses on the techniques used to validate 2D-ocean waves as measured by satellite and the challenges and opportunities of such a program for ocean waves measurements from space.


Ocean remote sensing, synthetics aperture radar, ocean wave-spectrometer, 2D ocean wave spectrum, Level-4

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How to cite
Mouche Alexis, He W., Husson R., Guitton Gilles, Chapron Bertrand, Li Huimin (2016). 2D ocean waves spectra from space: a challenge for validation and synergetic use. Remote Sensing Of The Oceans And Inland Waters: Techniques, Applications, And Challenges. 9878L. 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2227178, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00364/47469/

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