Minute Report of the 1st workshop on joint analysis of sea turtle mitigation effectiveness. Honolulu, USA, 16–19 February 2016

The Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ, or Common Oceans) Tuna Project is a Global Environment Facility (GEF)-funded, FAO-implemented programme of work designed to encourage and reinforce sustainable tuna fisheries. One of the three main components of the project focuses on mitigating bycatch and ameliorating adverse impacts on biodiversity. Taking its cue from a work plan developed by the Joint t-RFMO Technical Working Group- Bycatch, the ABNJ Tuna Project aims to progress prioritized research on sea turtle bycatch mitigation through encouraging data sharing and collaborative analysis (Joint Tuna RFMOs 2011). Funding has been allocated to WCPFC and The Pacific Community (SPC) under the ABNJ work programme to support two sets of workshops on bycatch mitigation issues facing t-RFMOs. The first workshops (this one and another to be held in late 2016) are designed to focus on assessing the effects of mitigation on interaction and at-vessel mortality rates of sea turtles in pelagic longline fisheries.

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How to cite
Bourjea Jerome (2016). Minute Report of the 1st workshop on joint analysis of sea turtle mitigation effectiveness. Honolulu, USA, 16–19 February 2016. UE. Ref. Ifremer/RBE/ederu/2016/CRGT2. 5p., 5p. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00366/47693/

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