Yield stress changes induced by water in polyamide 6: Characterization and modeling
This paper considers the effect of water content on mechanical properties of polyamide 6 when used in a humid environment. First an experimental section presents the tensile behavior of polyamide with different amounts of water, with and without a through-thickness water gradient. Water profiles are introduced by immersion in sea water at 25 °C. The effect of testing temperature is also investigated in order to consider the influence of macromolecular chain mobility on the mechanical behavior. Then, in a second section, modelling of yield stress is proposed based on physical considerations. This can be used for life time prediction of PA6 in humid environment when plasticization is the main degradation mechanism.
Le Gac Pierre-Yves, Arhant Mael, Le Gall Maelenn, Davies Peter (2017). Yield stress changes induced by water in polyamide 6: Characterization and modeling. Polymer Degradation And Stability. 137. 272-280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2017.02.003, https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00371/48208/