Growth, Survival and Reproduction of the Giant Clam Tridacna maxima (Röding 1798, Bivalvia) in Two Contrasting Lagoons in French Polynesia

Shell growth, reproduction, and natural mortality of the giant clam Tridacna maxima were characterized over a two-year-period in the lagoon of the high island of Tubuai (Austral Archipelago) and in the semi-closed lagoon of Tatakoto (Tuamotu Archipelago) in French Polynesia. We also recorded temperature, water level, tidal slope, tidal range, and mean wave height in both lagoons. Lower lagoon aperture and exposure to oceanic swells at Tatakoto than at Tubuai was responsible for lower lagoon water renewal, as well as higher variability in temperature and water level at Tatakoto across the studied period. These different environmental conditions had an impact on giant clams. Firstly, spawning events in the lagoon of Tatakoto, detected by gonad maturity indices in June and July 2014, were timed with high oceanic water inflow and a decrease in lagoon water temperature. Secondly, temperature explained differences in shell growth rates between seasons and lagoons, generating different growth curves for the two sites. Thirdly, local mortality rates were also found to likely be related to water renewal patterns. In conclusion, our study suggests that reef aperture and lagoon water renewal rates play an integral role in giant clam life history, with significant differences in rates of shell growth, mortality and fertility found between open versus semi-closed atoll lagoons in coral reef ecosystems.

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Publisher's official version
201 Mo
S1 Appendix. Complementary study on giant clam mortality at Tatakoto.
4428 Ko
S1 Fig. Monitoring of gonad maturity indices at Tubuai.
-139 Ko
S2 Fig. Instantaneous rate of mortality (M) and physical characteristics of the lagoon of Tatakoto from November 2012 to October 2014.
-240 Ko
S3 Fig. Instantaneous rate of mortality (M) and physical characteristics of the lagoon of Tubuai from April 2013 to December 2014.
-325 Ko
S4 Fig. Monitoring of stocks from 2004 to 2014 at Tatakoto and Tubuai.
-101 Ko
How to cite
Van Wynsberge Simon, Andrefouet Serge, Gaertner-Mazouni Nabila, Wabnitz Colette C. C., Menoud Mathilde, Le Moullac Gilles, Levy Peva, Gilbert Antoine, Remoissenet Georges (2017). Growth, Survival and Reproduction of the Giant Clam Tridacna maxima (Röding 1798, Bivalvia) in Two Contrasting Lagoons in French Polynesia. Plos One. 12 (1). e0170565.,

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