Influence of feeding regime and temperature on development and settlement of oyster Ostrea edulis (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae

Under controlled conditions of food density and temperature, larval performances (ingestion, growth, survival and settlement success) of the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis, were investigated using a flow-through rearing system. In the first experiment, oyster larvae were reared at five different phytoplankton densities (70, 500, 1500, 2500 and 3500 μm3 μL−1: ≈1, 8, 25, 42 and 58 cells μL−1 equivalent TCg), and in the second, larvae were grown at four different temperatures (15, 20, 25 and 30°C). Overall, larvae survived a wide range of food density and temperature, with high survival recorded at the end of the experiments. Microalgae concentration and temperature both impacted significantly larval development and settlement success. A mixed diet of Chaetoceros neogracile and Tisochrysis lutea (1:1 cell volume) maintained throughout the whole larval life at a concentration of 1500 μm3 μL−1 allowed the best larval development of O. edulis at 25°C with high survival (98%), good growth (16 μm day−1) and high settlement success (68%). In addition, optimum larval development (survival ≥97%; growth ≥17 μm day−1) and settlement (≥78%) were achieved at 25 and 30°C, at microalgae concentrations of 1500 μm3 μL−1. In contrast, temperature of 20°C led to lower development (≤10 μm day−1) and weaker settlement (≤27%), whereas at 15°C, no settlement occurred. The design experiments allowed the estimation of the maximum surface-area-specific ingestion rate math formula = 120 ± 4 μm3 day−1 μm−2, the half saturation coefficient {XK} = 537 ± 142 μm3 μL−1 and the Arrhenius temperature TA = 8355 K. This contribution put a tangible basis for a future O. edulis Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) larval growth model.


Ostrea edulis, larvae, temperature, feeding regime, flow-through, DEB parameters

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How to cite
Robert Rene, Vignier Julien, Petton Bruno (2017). Influence of feeding regime and temperature on development and settlement of oyster Ostrea edulis (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae. Aquaculture Research. 48 (9). 4756-4773.,

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