Cruise MoMARDREAM-Naut and other MoMAR experiments at Rainbow and Lucky Strike in Summer 2007

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Gaill Françoise, Ballu V., Cannat M., Crawford W., Dyment J., Escartin J., Fouquet Yves, Goslin J., Reverdin G., Sarradin Pierre-Marie, Tarits P., Andreani M., Bonnivard E., Bucas Karenn, Burgaud G., Cambon-Bonavita Marie-Anne, Cueff Valerie, Durand C., Gros O., Hamel G., Henriques M., Hois E., Ildefonse B., Konn Cecile, Le Bris Nadine, Le Guyader H., Ravaux J., Shilito B., Toullec J.Y., Zbinden M. (2007). Cruise MoMARDREAM-Naut and other MoMAR experiments at Rainbow and Lucky Strike in Summer 2007. InterRidge News. 16. 15-16.

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