Detailed investigation of hydrothermal site Rainbow, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 36°13’N: Cruise MoMARDream

How to cite
Dyment J., Bissessur D., Bucas Karenn, Cueff-Gauchard Valerie, Durand Lucile, Fouquet Yves, Gaill F., Gente P., Hoise E., Ildefonse B., Konn Cecile, Lartaud F., Le Bris Nadine, Musset G., Nunes A., Renard J., Riou V., Tasiemski A., Thibaud R., Torres P., Yatheesh V., Vodjdani I., Zbinden M. (2009). Detailed investigation of hydrothermal site Rainbow, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 36°13’N: Cruise MoMARDream. InterRidge News. 18. 22-24.

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