Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Floats WMO 5902299 and 5902305

This report presents Oxygen corrections with LOCODOX software for the 2 floats 5902299 and 5902305.

Delayed mode analysis are archived in another reports :

Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902299

Delayed mode quality control of Ovide Argo data. Float WMO 5902305

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How to cite
Lagadec Catherine, Thierry Virginie, Cabanes Cecile (2017). Oxygen correction of Ovide Argo data. Floats WMO 5902299 and 5902305. Ref. Internal Report LOPS/17-26. https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00390/50139/

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