Approaches for zoning of coastal areas with reference to Mediterranean aquaculture

Marine aquaculture, as a relatively new sector capable of economic growth and benefits, is now moving beyond its traditional stages to the point where it needs to have a recognisable and effective position - both in development and regulatory terms. In that context selection of the site is of vital importance since the quality and characteristics of the site are essential for both farming performance and reducing the negative impact on the environment. Site selection procedures are closely related to the coastal zone planning and management policy, especially in a climate of competition for coastal space and resources use. The document suggests that coastal zoning relevant to aquaculture must be included in the national policy and with the goals defined at every level, mainly the control of developmental activities affecting the sustainability of coastal resources.

How to cite
PAP/RAC (1996). Approaches for zoning of coastal areas with reference to Mediterranean aquaculture. Ref. ISBN 953-6429-04-7 - PAP-10/EAM/GL.1.

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