Analytical study of on-chip generations of analog sine-wave based on combined digital signals

On-chip sine-wave signal generation is widely covered by literature for Built-In-Self Test (BIST) or biosensor applications. The objective is to generate pure and robust sinewave signal with minimal hardware resources. An attractive solution consists in combining several digital signals to built this analog sine-wave. The objective of this paper is to give an analytical study of various potential solutions based on digitalbased approaches. Thanks to this study, we prove that technique consisting in setting the phase shifts and various amplitude values of the square-wave signals is the most efficient approach. Moreover, this study allows the selection of the best solution in terms of parameters of the square-wave signals to cancel loworder harmonics of the generated signal.


Harmonic cancellation, sine-wave generation, on-chip signal generation

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How to cite
David-Grignot Stephane, Lamlih Achraf, Kerzerho Vincent, Azaıs Florence, Soulier Fabien, Bernard Serge, Rouyer Tristan, Bonhommeau Sylvain (2017). Analytical study of on-chip generations of analog sine-wave based on combined digital signals. Proceedings of 2017 International Mixed Signals Testing Workshop (IMSTW) (IEEE). 5p..,

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