Regional assessment of altimetry products in the NW Med : Comparison to in-situ data and model outputs

In this preliminary study, we investigate the characteristics of a standard regional NRT product & an experimental L3 coastal sea-level product from PISTACH data, and assess their combined use with in-situ data (drifters) and a regional model.

The results suggest that:
•J2 NRT data shows some consistent behaviour with drifter data, despite biases •RED3 retracking : better coastal coverage (>5%)
•NORMED model has an excess of energy at the mesoscales, possibly arising from the lack of energy dissipation towards the finer scales


44.5N, 39.5S, 0E, 16W

How to cite
Dussurget Renaud, Pairaud Ivane, Dufau Claire, Charria Guillaume, Garreau Pierre, Garnier Valerie (2012). Regional assessment of altimetry products in the NW Med : Comparison to in-situ data and model outputs. CAW-6 - 6th Coastal Altimetry Workshop. 21-22 Sept. 2012, Lido di Garda..

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